Saturday 20 April 2019

Final Reprisal pt 1 [716]


  1. My fave is the knife-throw near the end. Seeing a dude get nailed that way is so hot. My imagination runs wild speculating about what it would be like to take a throwing knife that way.

    1. And now my imagination runs wild seeing you like this :-)

    2. Oh, man .... Now I wanna know what alluring details your imagination might produce. ;-) Having a witness to my own death at the hands of a knife-thrower makes the idea even more appealing - all the better for appreciating the arousingly masculine process of dying with a blade buried deep in my chest or gut and the shank sticking out of my rib-cage or abdomen. I wanna feel the sudden shock of a lethal blade penetrating my flesh, maybe driving into a vital organ. I wanna experience the surprise of seeing the weapon embedded in me as I start to bleed ..... mmmmmmm!
