Wednesday 19 August 2015

My iz budushego 2 pt 1 [454]


  1. Great stuff, Gary! Thanks so much.

    1. Thank you Dino. Another part of this one coming soon. Plus the first movie is also waiting to get edited. Some great action in that one too. Please be patient. :-)

  2. As Dino commented, great stuff. I loved the excellent images of the exploding entry wounds when the soldiers were shot. Better still in slow motion. Some very tragic and gripping scenes there. I liked the way you presented the clips since it put them in context, but if I was going to view these over and over again purely for their erotic value, I'd need to edit-out all the faces (especially those of the civilians) and just focus on the blood and bullet holes. Please understand that I'm not criticizing your presentation which was excellent. In most of the cowboy movies I've bought or rented, I'll generally go through the entire movie on fast forward just in order to pick out any good kills. Occasionally, I like to know the story leading up to a particular cowboy's death, but most of the time I don't want to know. That seems strange, but even though I know it's just a movie, once I form an emotional connection with a character, I usually won't enjoy the visual part as much when they show the bullet holes and blood. I sometimes wonder if anyone else feels that way since I'd assume it should be just the opposite. I think it's the "disconnect" that I like.

    1. Thank you Phil for your explanation. Every one enjoys such parts differently. But I get your point.
