Monday 10 August 2015

Sharpe's Rifles [451]

The Youtube-friendly version:


  1. Great stop-action and slow-motion there, Gary. I sure liked those kills with the big rifles and some of them to the face. Cool. Oh, and that one where the ramrod was still in the barrel and got fired through the guy's next was fine indeed. And I want one of those cool pistols with the spring-out bayonet, hehe. That could be very useful. Thanks for this one.

    1. Thank you Phil. This series contains about 15 TV-movies, so there will be more coming. Can't promise when :-)

    2. I agree. Lots of cool scenes in this one. I knew this was one of a series of films, but had no idea there were that many. I'll be looking forward to the others.

    3. The whole series is full with action. But have to create two versions of each one, because these will be blocked by Youtube if one single part is more than 5 seconds long.
