Tuesday 1 October 2019

Quién sabe pt 3 [755]


  1. Hot shootout especially the guy laid there.

    1. Yes, a great shootout. Many guys going down.

  2. Some excellent scenes in this one, Gary. Thanks. Nice seeing all that machine gun action especially since the one doing the killing is so good looking. Just my type, hehe. And loved the way he handled one of his kills there... feeling various parts of the body, beginning at 1:24 and lasting all the way to 1:30. Nice. Maybe I'm the only one who found the following scene especially erotic? All the way from 1:38 to 2:05 we get to see the sadistic killer reloading the clips (?) used with the machine gun. We even hear the "click" as he snaps each one of the big, sexy cartridges into position. Kudos to the director who must have known that it was a scene worth spending some time on... letting the viewer appreciate their obscene size and number and perhaps fantasize what it must have felt like when those fuckers cut a diagonal tack-line starting at, maybe, the upper left leg and ending at the right shoulder... what, maybe twenty hits along the way? And still more to come. At 2:20 we get a great view of that same good-looking guy as he takes aim down the barrel of a rifle followed by a look at the huge, bloody hole that it makes.

    1. Thank you Phil. Yes, the feeling start at 1:24 was totally my thing. I would have checked another part also :-)
      I wouldn't be surprised if these directors had the same ideas as us about this kind of scenes.
