Friday 3 October 2014

Dos hombres van a morir [384]


  1. Love it! Another one I had never seen before. The two at the end are so hot! Thanks.

    1. Thank you Dino. So nice to find a movie you don't know. These two are hot indeed.

    2. After looking it up, I find that the American title of this movie is Two Brothers, One Death, for those who might be wondering. The man who survives is Peter Martell, one of my spaghetti western favorites. Another of his great performances is in a film called God Made Them.....I Kill Them, which also features handsome Dean Reed.

    3. The action, acting and storyline sure make for some fun viewing. I'm always impressed with "stunt" work some of those guys did when they had to fall off of a stagecoach or horse. Even with the props and things they had at the time to assist, we know that none of it was done digitally.

    4. Thank you Dino for suggesting the other movie. Will try to find it. In the posts I use the name that's in the IMDB. Would you prefer the USA-title to be named also?

    5. Indeed Phil. Sometimes I wonder how many guys were hurt while filming these scenes, because it seems to be done without many precautions. Wish I was there while such a movie was filmed. All the rehearsals and takes to get it right.

  2. No, it's alright, Gary. I can look it up on imdb (and usually do).
