Tuesday 11 June 2019

A Bridge Too Far pt 2 [729]


  1. Ah, too bad. Another one of those "Video unavailable" situations, but hope others can watch elsewhere.

    1. Sorry to hear Phil. I have no clue why this happens. You get the same result when you try to watch it directly on Youtube? I have added an extra link under the Youtube one. Can you watch it from there?

  2. Working fine now, Gary. Thank you. Sure was lots of intense and dramatic footage in this one. Although a bit too realistic-looking for me, it's a good reminder about the horrors of war and speaks well for the quality of the film. Funny how there can sometimes be such a fine line between things a person finds very erotic and others that are emotionally disturbing. For example, there might be an image of some very cute soldier or cowboy who takes a bullet (or many bullets) and we get to see the explosion of blood from the bullet holes. In many cases that looks really erotic... hot as hell. It might be largely just the fact that I know it's fantasy. But then there will be scenes where we see guys going down and I'll feel compassion and sadness. For me, those are usually the ones that look more like documentaries. But it's good to remember that those things do happen and I'm glad that you share some of them here as a reality check. You provide a nice and well-balanced mix of material which is impressive considering the fact that you're not able to post some film clips that you'd probably like to.

    1. I find it difficult to post a good edit from a war movie. Exactly for the reasons you described.
