Thursday 13 September 2018

Shoot Out [668]


  1. One of my favorite westerns from that time period. I always loved the bad boy leader of the gang. He was so sexy! Another favorite from the movie was the young Mexican bad boy. Neither of them gets shot in the belly, unfortunately, but the director made sure their bellies got exposed several times. I bought the DVD many years ago, and just love it.

    1. Thank you for commenting Dino. The young Mexican bad boy is a pleasure to watch. Too bad for you, they didn't get shot in the belly. Maybe you have another western in mind in which that happens?

  2. Thanks for this one Gary. I especially liked the strangulation scene using the rifle. Very believable looking although I've obviously nothing in real life to compare it to. But it looked real to me and very sexy.

    1. Thanks Phil. The strangulation scene is a hot one. I didn't see that much in other westerns.
