Monday 10 April 2017

Stories of the Century S1 pt 3 [569]


  1. For an old black and white TV western from the fifties, this show wasn't afraid of gun violence. No blood or bullet holes, but still very exciting. I ordered the "Complete" series on DVD. I haven't gotten half way through it, yet, but it's a good one.

    1. Each episode I watched had some nice action parts in it. But that was only season one. Wish I could borrow your collection so create edits of them. But I guess your collection is so huge, it would take me years :-)

  2. Thanks Gary. And I agree with what Dino says about the gun violence. Plenty of that along with some well-acted "taking lead" shots where cowboys grab at the spot they got shot. Also liked the man on man scene near the end where the wounded cowboy is lifted up over the other one's shoulder and they were both blasted with the shotgun. Very cool when they drop to the ground on top of one another.

    1. Thank you Phil. Indeed the falling on top of each other is so hot. And there is a part where Frank Dalton is lying on a horse and brought into town. That would be a nice part to act.
