Tuesday 30 October 2018

Dead Men pt 1 [681] - no video

Action parts of this clip are shown in this compilation


  1. Thanks, Gary. This is not one I had seen before, and I like it.

    1. Thank you Dino. Too bad they removed the video today :-(

  2. Several good shooting and stabbing scenes there, Gary. Thanks. And as Dino mentioned, this is also one I've never seen before. I especially liked the closeups of the muzzle of the rifle at one spot. I might be taking freeze frames of those to use in the future along with some of the photos I share at another site if you don't object. Of course I may never find a place to use them, but it's nice to have as many photos one's stockpile as possible.

    1. I hope you have taken the photos by now, because the video has gone. I wanted to publish part 2 today, but I have to skip it. I don't mind if you make photos and publish them somewhere.

  3. I love these scenes! The dude who takes the throwing knife in his right pec - very hot. And then the villain gets nailed with not one but TWO long, sexy arrows! I keep watching the closeup of his chest and belly after the knife victim rams the same blade right into the villain's gut. Thanks for a super vid!

  4. I'm in a reenactment group and I love getting shot with a 45 colt like that.

    1. I hope you have videos or pictures of you in the reenactment group.
