Friday 24 November 2017

Bill il taciturno pt 2 [609]


  1. Thanks, Gary, for another fine job of editing. This one sure had its share of action and was, for me anyway, another good example of the overacting and script I've come to associate with some of foreign films. Not that American made westerns aren't guilty of that as well. They still provide some fun entertainment.

    This was another one where some blood sure would have helped, but after you (or was it Dino?) explained, sometimes the wardrobes are rented and they don't want to risk having to pay for replacements. Okay, they do have budget restraints.

    As for the acting, I'm really not complaining although I think the overly dramatic way in which the cowboys die is not very sensual. It looks cartoon-like. So, one of the things that I've always wondered about is whether the shootings and stabbings are really and truly what the director thinks looks good? Or is the director simply not that talented or has no interest in how it will be seen by the public? Or is it more with the actors who are trying to put on a good show? Some of them are obviously skilled at the rough and tumble, but maybe they aren't that good at acting.

    I'm probably missing some important point here and assuming that most people want to see the same stuff that turns me on. After all, I happen to like cute, clean-cut young cowboys, leather and bulging crotches. Okay, it's too much to expect that any director will be on that same page, but I get the impression that for many of them, anything that's at all sensual or sexy is of no importance. They're willing to show a half-dozen shootings in five-seconds, but rarely will they spend a full minute or so showing us one single shooting in graphic detail with, for example, a closeup shot from the crotch to the bellybutton of the cowboy as he takes six slugs to the gut. Is that too graphic for them? Would they see nothing sensual or exciting with that? It's so frustrating.

    Okay, that's my rant for today. Obviously, you're not responsible for the shortcomings of some movie makers. With your editing and slow motion replays of the better parts, you've actually improved the films considerably. And of course it must take lots of time and tedious searching on your part to come up with the ones that you do. I appreciate all that effort. It gives me, a wannabe movie critic, a chance to let off steam, so please keep up the good work.

    1. Thank you Phil for your long response. I appreciate your view. It was Dino who had the answer why the uniforms are kept tidy. Indeed, good views on the killed ones are rare. And in newer movies it's even faster edited. I like a good overview on the scene afterwards with the dead cowboys lying around, followed by a nice close-up of several guys.
      More clips will follow, as long as nobody shuts down my Youtube channel or this blog.

  2. Love this one, especially the scene where the guy gets a knife in his belly. This is another George Eastman movie I had never seen before. Thanks, Gary.

    1. Thank you Dino. I try to create new clips from movies you don't know :-)
