Saturday 4 May 2013

Youtube account suspended

Hi guys,
Just to let you know some idiot flagged me on Youtube, so my account is suspended. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
Please be patient while a alternative will be active.


  1. Oh shoot! I hate that. And just as you were posting what looks like a great spaghetti western, too. Keep us posted.


    1. Hi Dino,
      I will try to upload the western to another site. Too bad that some people have nothing to do except flagging innocent people. Let put him in front of our fire squad :-)

  2. Hello Gary,
    I a very sorry that Youtube suspended your account. All of your film edited film clips take a lot of time, and I have enjoyed seeing all of your excellent choices. Hopefully you will be up and running soon if not on Youtube or some other site. The person who flagged you should mind his own business as we are a nation of free speech and it has not hurt anyone. Thank you for your many years of your fine videos. Cheers

    1. Thank you for the kind words. I have saved all the videos but all the comments people made, favorites and subscriptions are inaccessible also. The ban seems to be 6 months :-(
      But there will be a alternative. Just follow this blog to stay informed.

  3. We tread on thin ice with our type of art and a lot of narrow minded people like to jump up and down when they find out about us. Sorry to hear about youtube. Let us know when you find something else, meanwhile know that you are appreciated and we are pulling for you.

    All the best,'


    1. Thank you Kyle. You better show real clips of people getting murdered and tortured on Youtube. This would cause less trouble then some parts of movies. These was a copyright violation reported over a "Best Deaths" compilation. Would expect anything but not that this would be a problem, special since Todd from Best Deaths gave permission to use the clips. He declared it wasn't him who reported my version. But anyway I will open a new account on Youtube and meanwhile upload as much a possible on other sites.
