Monday 11 February 2013

The Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex [191]


  1. Great historical setting.
    Those arrow hits at the start are awesome!

    1. Those arrow hits are the only interesting part of the movie. Found the whole thing a little bit disappointing. Not my best edit :-)

  2. I do like the arrow kills very much since we get such a good view of them. The "whisssssh" sounds are very effective.

    Some time ago you posted scenes from a movie that had what I thought were very good, and believable, scenes of guys getting arrowed... where they thrashed around for a while and sometimes took two or more arrows before dying. Seems like most movies (this one included) show guys taking an arrow and dropping dead in their tracks. I know, when there lots of action taking place, the director probably doesn't want to "waste" time on a single kill or two, but show lots of them. Too bad. I'd rather see a closeup of one guy convulsing for a minute or two with an arrow in his belly and finally get finished off with a couple more to his chest or in the back.
