Thursday 27 September 2012

Trooper Hook [124] - no video


  1. Great shooting scenes.
    But funny how amateurish things look in those old movies: make-up, clothes, suggesting "riding" by placing the actors in front of a screen with a moving background, no blood or bullet holes, etc.

    1. The only thing real interesting in this movie are the first few minutes with all these soldiers getting killed. But consider the year of the movie (1957) there had to be more possible. Maybe this one had the budget of a B-movie.

  2. Best bit for me Gary is all those lovely soldiers being gunned down at the beginning of the clip (on the ridge). And thanks for the multiple replays - hot!

  3. I had a old video from Youtube with the killing in the beginning of the movie, but very bad quality (filming a tv showing the movie). That's why I wanted to do a new edit.
