Saturday 8 September 2012

Street Kings [037] - no video

Action parts of this clip are shown in this compilation


  1. Wow Gary, that was superb. This is the magic of sites like yours, you open my eyes to movies I've never heard of before.

    I'm not a fan of Keanu Reeves, so normally if I see a film with his name on it I would give it a miss. But that was absolutely fantastic - lots of hot kills, guys being shot to pieces all over the place. And a bare chested guy taking multiple hits thrown in for good measure - horny!

    I think I may have to have a look on Amazon for this one too :-)

    1. Glad you liked it.

      This movie is very interesting. The main plot is not spoiled by this extract. Too bad I made this video in the wrong resolution, so everything looks out of shape. But Keanu isn't.

      I have no connection to Amazon or the movie studio's. This is the proof that illegal copies lead to more official sales.

    2. This is true - I have bought many dvds after having seen clips of them on various sites. It's all good publicity for the makers :-)
